Specializes in: authentic japanese, delicate designs, fine line

Shingken, the enigmatic tattoo artist from Tokyo, is a true luminary in the world of body art. With a career that defies convention, spanning over two decades, and a style that pushes boundaries, Shingken has left an indelible mark on the tattoo scene. Shingken's artistry transcends traditional genres, blending elements of surrealism, abstract expressionism, and tribal symbolism into a distinctive and mesmerizing fusion. His work challenges perceptions, inviting clients to embark on a visual journey that is as thought-provoking as it is visually stunning. Shingken's dedication to pushing the limits of creativity and his unique ability to transform skin into a canvas of unparalleled depth and complexity have earned them a dedicated following and a reputation as a true visionary in the tattoo world. For those seeking a tattoo experience that transcends convention and embraces the extraordinary, Shingken is the artist of choice, turning every piece into a masterpiece of profound self-expression.

Shingken is available by appointment and requires a deposit for all bookings.